Friday, July 24, 2020

REGISTER TODAY: Who Lives and Who Dies: How COVID-19 Has Shined a Light on the Politics of Death in United States - Webinar - July 30


Who Lives and Who Dies: How COVID-19 Has Shined a Light on the Politics of Death in United States

The political scientist Achille Mbembe conceptualizes necropolitics as such: “The ultimate expression of sovereignty resides, to a large degree, in the power and the capacity to dictate who may live and who must die.” COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that has highlighted a historic truth about the United States. The country was founded and built on systemic and systematic race, class and gender hierarchical constructs that ranks the value of people groups. The coronavirus has shined a light on how our systems and structures determine who should live and who is expendable. Join the National Council of Churches in a theological, political and cultural conversation on necropolitics, the politics of death, with three of the most sought after scholars on politics, religion, and culture.

Thursday July 30

2:00-3:30pm ET
Dr. Brittney Cooper is Associate Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University. Dr. Cooper is the author of Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women (U of Illinois Press, 2017), winner of the Organization of American Historians Merle Curti Prize for Best Book in U.S. Intellectual History. She is also author of the New York Times Bestselling Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower (St. Martin's Press, 2018).

Professor Cooper has been named to The Root 100 multiple times, most recently in 2018. She is a frequent commentator for MSNBC and her work has been featured in the New York Times, Time Magazine, the Washington Post, BET, Essence Magazine, the Root and many other publications
Dr. Melanye Price, Endowed Professor of Political Science and principal investigator for the Mellon Foundation African American Studies Initiative at Prairie View A&M University, Houston TX. Price’s research and teaching expertise include black politics, public opinion, political rhetoric, and social movements. She is the author of, “The Race Whisperer: Barack Obama and the Political Uses of Race” (NYU, 2016) and “Dreaming Blackness: Black Nationalism and African American Public Opinion” (NYU, 2009). Her next project is “Mountaintop Removal: Martin Luther King, Trump and the Racial Mountain,” which uses King’s “Mountaintop Speech” as a lens for understanding the rise of Trump and the 2016 election.

Dr. Price has is a sought after political commentator whose opinion has been published in several media outlets including The New York Times, Ms. Magazine, The Hartford Courant, Vox, Pacifica and NYC and CT Public Radio. She was also a contributor to Stanley Nelson’s documentary, Obama: Through the Fire, which aired on BET.
Rev. Dr. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Democracy Collaborative in Washington, DC. Dr. Hendricks has been called one of the most provocative and innovative commentators on the intersection of religion, politics and social policy in America today. A widely sought lecturer and media spokesperson, his media appearances include C-SPAN, PBS, NPR, al-Jazeera Television, Fox News, the Bloomberg Network, among others. He is also an editorial advisor to the award-winning Tikkun magazine, a contributing editor to The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, and a principal commentator in the The Oxford Annotated Bible.

Dr. Hendricks is the author of The Universe Bends Toward Justice: Radical Reflections on the Bible, the Church and the Body Politic (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2011),The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus’ Teachings and How They Have Been Corrupted (New York: Doubleday, 2006). Dallas Evening News Bestseller and Living Water: A Novel (New York: HarperCollins, 2003), National & Essence Magazine Bestseller.
Rev. Aundreia Alexander is the Associate General Secretary for Action and Advocacy for Justice and Peace at the National Council of Churches. (Moderator)
Serving as a leading voice of witness to the living Christ in the public square since 1950, 
the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) brings together 38 member communions 
and more than 40 million Christians in a common expression of God's love and promise of unity. 

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