Monday, July 6, 2020

This petition needs you today, Prevent doctors from being able to refuse COVID treatment for LGBTQ patients

This petition is taking off on, and we think you might be interested in adding your name. Sign now to help:
Prevent doctors from being able to refuse COVID treatment for LGBTQ patients
Remaining Anonymous started this petition to United States Supreme Court, Donald J. Trump and it now has 14,168 signatures
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Within the past 2 months, President Trump has allowed the removal of protections against discrimination for transgender patients seeking treatment for the COVID-19 virus. Healthcare workers are now legally allowed to refuse to treat a person who is part of the LGBTQ community if they site religious beliefs that allow them to do so. This needs to change. Someone’s gender or sexual orientation does not make their life less valuable than anyone else’s. Thousands of people are going to die preventable deaths if this isn’t repealed. Religion does not belong in legal policies and the Bible should not be considered a valid source or origin of a legislative act. Allowing doctors to refuse the treatment of transgender patients means that children and teenagers could lose their lives to a horrible virus. The same people that call themselves "pro-life" are willing to let more people die during a global pandemic because of how they identify. Mr President and the honorable judges of the United States Supreme Court, our country was built on the belief that all people are created equal, that includes those in the LGBT community whether you believe in it or not. I urge you to reconsider this action as soon as possible.
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