Friday, July 31, 2020

Sojo Mail - Jesus actions vs. Jesus slogans

The writer James Baldwin stated in 1962, “It is, alas, the truth that to be an American writer today means mounting an unending attack on all that Americans believe themselves to hold sacred.”
It is the truth that to be a person of faith in America today is to recognize that America desires Jesus slogans over morally grounded Jesus-inspired action.
America as a nation stands on the precipice of what Rev. William Barber II refers to as “the third reconstruction,” a moment in history when the zeitgeist of the nation clashes with the myth of our history. The nationwide unrest, witnessed from Maine to California, is part of America’s reckoning with a lie this nation has refused to acknowledge. As a nation, racialized thinking and white supremacy is part of not only our history, but saturates all of our institutions. I will not bore you with historical details, but scholars such as Michelle Alexander, Ibram X. Kendi, Carol Anderson, and Richard Rothstein make the case powerfully that America has a spiritual malady supported by institutions that either aggressively promote these ideals or willfully ignore their reality. Our national reckoning and possible reconstruction rest at the epicenter of this myth many today courageously seek to exorcise from our body politic.
Portland and cities such as Chicago, where I live, work, and serve, offer an additional challenge to people who want to be free of the lie that comes with loving whiteness over ethnicity and power over democracy.


Our Latest
Any attempt by the president to single-handedly change the election date would be illegal and immoral.
More than 200 land and environmental defenders were killed in 2019.
White Too Long began with a growing consciousness of the abiding presence of white supremacy within the faith we white Christians have inherited and live within.


From the Magazine
Born Again Through Tactile Memory (by Jeania Ree V. Moore)
Uncovering primordial truths of my being and belonging in the world.


Inspired by the death of his beloved wife, Grace Chen-McClone, The Road to Joy draws on personal experience, story-telling, psychological research and diverse spiritualities, including twelve-step spirituality, to integrate eight core pathways of psychospiritual transformation leading to more joyful living. Each chapter explores one pathway in depth and ends with concrete practical action steps.
The First Presbyterian Church seeks an open-minded and adventurous Pastor to lead and build its current and evolving congregation. Located in a diverse community in St. Louis County, this church is committed to being at the forefront of this effort with a pastor who shares the same commitment and vision.
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