Saturday, May 2, 2020

From - Denying tests to first responders

"Had they agreed to test her, my sister would be alive today."  — Mari, Marylou Armer’s sister
Detective Marylou Armer died of COVID-19 after being denied a test on multiple occasions. Megan started a petition to make sure no more of our protectors are left unprotected — and you can join it right now.
We are surrounded every day by coronavirus stories that shock us, inspire us, and bring us to tears. We get sad. We get mad. But most of all we ask ’what can we do?’
That’s exactly what Megan Berger asked herself when she read about California’s first law enforcement officer to die from COVID-19, Detective Marylou Armer. 
First she felt grief. Grief for Marylou’s family and colleagues putting their lives on the line for our safety.
Then she felt outrage. When Megan found out Detective Armer had been refused testing not once, not twice, but three times, she was sick to her stomach. Had she been tested, Megan read, Detective Armer may still be here today.
But then Megan felt hope. What if she could take the tragic loss of Detective Armer and turn it into something more positive, and make sure it never happens to another first responder again?
That’s why Megan started a petition on calling on California legislators to pass a law ensuring no first responders will be denied testing. Megan says she wants to make sure that our protectors are protected. 
So often we read stories like Detective Armer’s that seem so unfair, and so unjust, that it makes us despair. But every day, people are taking action on to do something about it. 
It turns out Megan wasn’t alone in her outrage. Over 70,000 people (and counting) have joined her so far in calling for Armer Law to protect the ones who are protecting us during this crisis.
Click here to automatically sign Megan’s petition
Megan isn’t a professional campaigner. She’s not a politician or CEO. She’s a Criminal Justice student in California hoping to be in law enforcement. She got sad, got mad, and then did something about it.
Thank you for taking a stand,
PS: Megan’s petition is getting more important every day. After Marylou’s passing, Deborah Gatewood, a healthcare worker at a hospital for 30 years died from COVID-19. She was denied a coronavirus test four times by her employer. Click to automatically add your name to Megan’s petition to make sure this doesn’t keep happening.  ·  548 Market St #29993, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA

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