Thursday, May 21, 2020

From - Next stimulus payment

Have you received a stimulus check? Is it enough to keep you going? Many Americans are saying that a single $1,200 check from the government just isn’t enough. With Congress considering a second round of stimulus payments, William thinks it’s essential for leaders to speak up. Add your name to ask presidential candidate Joe Biden to publicly endorse monthly $2,000 payments for every American.
Get Joe Biden to Publicly Endorse Giving Everyone a $2000/month UBI Until Crisis is Over.
65,758 have signed William Bustos-Martinez’s petition. Let’s get to 75,000!
Sign now with a click
The future of our economy is uncertain and the recovery from the Corona Virus Epidemic will be difficult. Although the CARES Act was able to get $1,200 to taxpayers, millions of people fell through the cracks and still have not received their stimulus check. Many will have to wait until the fall to receive their checks if they are able to receive them at all.
In 2008 our govt. bailed out big banks and corporations that were "too big to fail". This time we call on Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee to support bailing out the people and publicly endorse a Universal Basic Income of at least $2,000 a month for every resident of the United States until the current health epidemic has passed and people are able to return to work. 
This dependable monthly stimulus will help millions of recently unemployed Americans and also enable us to help each other get through this crisis.
Sign now with a click
At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Is there something that you want to change?
The person (or organization) who started this petition is not affiliated with did not create this petition and is not responsible for the petition content.  ·  548 Market St #29993, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA

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