Friday, May 29, 2020

Presbyterian Peace Camp June 18-27

Gun Violence Prevention
News for Congregations May 2020
Actions & Options during Covid-19....

  • Wear & Share Orange June 5-7
  • Presbyterian Peace Camp! June 18-27

Resources for Gun Violence Prevention:
  • Last Webinar June 9 - Guns & Domestic Violence
  • New Curriculum Survey - Tell Us What You Need for Study Groups
Wear Orange: June 5-7
National Gun Violence Awareness Days

Post your photos with #WearOrange and #WearOrangePPF

Ideas: Orange Masks? Worship stoles? banners? t-shirts? posters? hats? Orange postcards to elected officials? First Presbyterian Church in Eau Claire, WI will tie orange ribbons around trees at the church, hang orange "end gun violence" signs and use the church sidewalk for orange chalk messages. Fox Valley Presbyterian Church in Geneva, IL and First Presbyterian Church in Sterling, IL will co-host a national virtual event on Friday June 5 at 7 pm CT with Rev. Sharon Risher, author of For Such a Time as This: Hope and Forgiveness after the Charleston Massacre. Find info HERE

Find June 5-7 virtual events in all 50 states at
Send us your Wear Orange photos and news HERE
Photo: Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church, Chicago
Presbyterian Peace Camp!
June 18-27
A Virtual Week of Learning, Prayer & Action

With the PCUSA General Assembly meeting online for a small amount of business, join the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship in a virtual week of devotionals, teach-ins, vigils and actions, including new educational resources and action ideas on gun violence prevention. We're inviting hundreds of GA commissioners, advisory delegates and local Presbyterians across the nation to put our faith into action alongside the GA business meetings.

Each day of Peace Camp begins with an emailed devotional from diverse voices, followed by an issue teach-in or vigil or action that you can take at the local church and presbytery level. Peace Camp includes the always exciting Peace Breakfast on Wed. June 24 at 11 AM ET, with the debut of a video highlighting the 2019 Peaceseeker awardees, First United Church of Oak Park and Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church for their exceptional gun violence prevention ministries in Chicago. Please join us and spread the word!

Schedule, More Info and Registration HERE
The first 200 to register will receive a "swag bag" of goodies!
Media Release with Keynote Speaker and Leadership Info HERE
Newsletter Blurb HERE to share the invitation in your church or presbytery
  • Final Webinar June 9, 1-2 pm EST "Too Close to Home: Guns & Domestic Violence" Register HERE

As the series concludes, you will be able to continue to watch ALL of the webinars and find their Study Guides HERE. PPF thanks the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and Webinar Coordinator Simon Doong for an extraordinary series. Standing Our Holy Ground is a year-long webinar series created by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and co-sponsored by the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship & Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Give Us Feedback for a new GVP Curriculum

Have you used the current PPF Curriculum in the Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit?
Tell us: what was helpful? What was not? Suggestions?
What do you need for church study/action?

Answer HERE
If you would like to participate in shaping or piloting the new curriculum, contact
Gun Violence Prevention Ministry - Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Rev. Deanna Hollas, Coordinator |
E-News Editor, Jan Orr-Harter

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