Thursday, May 7, 2020

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - URGENT: COVID-19 devastation escalates. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW

Dear Friends in Christ,
You are in my prayers as we navigate the disaster of this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. I know most people are feeling the impact — health-wise, financially, emotionally. Our lives have been turned upside down in the span of just a few short weeks. Please know that the PC(USA) is with you in spirit. With God’s help, we will get through this together.
Every day, I hear stories from around the Church of how people are suffering and how their lives have been devastated. Unemployment, sickness, parents who are thrust into the role of teacher or caregiver, the rise in racism against the Asian community, the amount of deaths, including the disproportionate death rates experienced by people of color and those already living on the margins — all have been catastrophic.
In some communities, churches are barely making ends meet. They’re facing the reality of running out of money. They worry about how they’re going to pay their bills — much less support a pastor or provide critical services in their neighborhoods.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is here to help — again
In the PC(USA), we are blessed that Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, our disaster response ministry, is already at work with presbyteries and its network of partners to rush critical aid to those who are suffering as a result of COVID-19. Thanks to the longstanding generosity of the whole Church, through gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing and other gifts from generous Presbyterians and congregations, PDA is providing vital provisions where needed — food and water, hygiene and sanitation supplies, training and more.
The unprecedented nature of COVID-19 draws into focus the core commitments of our General Assembly’s Matthew 25 foci — to eradicate systemic poverty, end structural racism and support congregational vitality. Therefore, PDA is also providing ministry continuation funding through our Matthew 25 commitment to support congregations who work with and draw from communities of people already experiencing the impact of poverty, racism or other forms of oppression.
If you are able, please help us Give, Act and Pray now.
  • Support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s emergency response and long-term recovery work as well as ministry continuation funding for congregations experiencing great needs during COVID-19 by making a gift today. Designate gifts to E052197 – Matthew 25.
  • You can also give by phone at (800) 872-3283.
  • Wash your hands and stay at home. While we value the ministry of presence, currently the best way to care for others is to observe good hygiene and physical distancing.
  • Celebrate the life-sustaining, generous engagement of congregations across the nation who are serving communities made more vulnerable by COVID-19’s impact on their lives.
  • Repudiate the hateful, racist actions and expressions that have targeted siblings of Asian descent during this pandemic.
  • Seek comfort and hope in the Risen Lord who is always with us, sustaining and supporting us through every season of life.
Thanks in advance for your generosity.
In faith,
The Rev. Dr. Diane Givens Moffett
President and Executive Director
Presbyterian Mission Agency
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202
800-728-7228 | 502-569-5000

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