Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - Pentecost and Mutual Aid

It is the season of our Pentecost fundraising campaign. And like so much this year, we're doing it differently.

As we continue to navigate and envision our role in this changing world, we are seeking to collaborate with others, to live in hope, and to recognize the abundance of resources we have been tasked with stewarding.

It’s more clear than ever before that we are called to come together and to practice mutual aid, and we want you to join us!

What is profound about the Pentecost story is that once the new converts dried off the baptismal water, they began to live out their faith by praying, listening to the teachings of the apostles, and practicing mutual aid.
Mutual Aid is the means of intentionally sharing resources so that all may benefit. Even when the pandemic was in its early stages, mutual aid sites and funds stepped in to help. Like the early followers of Jesus, we hope to practice mutual aid by sharing half of the donations from this appeal with the Coalition of the Immokalee Workers.  

The Coalition of the Immokalee Workers (CIW) is a worker-based human rights organization based in Florida. They fight for the rights of farmworkers and against human trafficking and gender-based violence at work, and right now they are fighting for rights and protection in facing Covid-19 among farmworkers.

PPF has worked most closely with the CIW in their Fair Food Program to Boycott Wendy’s, and one of their members joined in for part of the Walk for a Fossil Free World in 2018. We are inspired by CIW’s strategic savvy and hopeful protest on behalf of farmworkers in Immokalee, Florida, and we hope they can be strengthened by our shared financial support. This is mutual aid in action.

This pandemic has created financial difficulties for many nonprofits, and PPF has been blessed in that we received funds through the Paycheck Protection Program and have a faithful base of donors. That does not mean that we are not or will not be impacted by this pandemic, but we seek to live out of abundance by reaching out in collaboration and reciprocity rather than merely looking out for ourselves. In this spirit of abundance, we hope to raise at least $8,000 this Pentecost - meaning $4,000 each to PPF and to the CIW -- Donate here!

Your gifts will allow the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to respond to the unique needs of farmworkers in this pandemic while also supporting PPF as we respond to the new challenges and opportunities that this pandemic brings to light with flexibility and vision. 

With gratitude,
Timothy Wotring
Activist Council member

P.S. Our Virtual Coffee Hour this Friday will dive deeper into the practice of "Mutual Aid" -- we'd love to have you join us! Register here.

Join the CIW Weds 5/27:

Essential Labor, Expendable Lives
Wednesday, May 27 at 5:00pm EST

Join Coalition of Immokalee Workers leaders for the virtual “Essential Labor, Expendable Lives” People’s Forum condemning Wendy's rejection of the Fair Food Program.

via CIW's Facebook page

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
845-786-6743 |
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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