Saturday, May 30, 2020

Your "Medical Mission Live" invitation for Tuesday, June 2nd | MBF

Africa Update
An Interview with MBF Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Douglas Lungu
Dear Ministry Partner:

All of Sub-Saharan Africa is squarely amid a medical and economic tsunami. Every country has its own unique challenges, and all of the medical ministries are pursuing some common strategies as well as developing individual responses for their own local situation. Their very survival is at stake.

Join us on Tuesday night, June 2nd, 2020, at 8:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 Central for a conversation with Dr. Douglas Lungu direct from Malawi Africa. Dr. Lungu is the Chief Medical Officer for MBF. He and other staff are in daily contact with hospitals, clinics, and nursing schools in eastern and central Africa. Dr. Lungu will give us the current situation for the hospital, clinic, and nursing school partners you may know well and share some of the most important things happening within the last 30 days. If you are connected with a medical ministry in Africa, this would be a great time to get caught up with what is happening on the ground right now.

Please have your questions ready for us. We look forward to joining you live online via Zoom or on Facebook Live on Tuesday at 8:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 Central. If you choose to view with Zoom you will need to pay attention to the login included for you below.


E. Andrew Mayo
President and CEO

When: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020-7 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic:  Africa Update - Interview with Dr. Douglas Lungu

Please click the link to join the webinar Tuesday night:

Or Telephone:
        US: +1 346 248 7799 
    Webinar ID: 288 607 687
    International numbers available:

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