Saturday, October 31, 2020

WCC NEWS: In wake of earthquake, WCC offers solidarity and prayers for Turkey, Greece

Photo: Ivars Kupcis/WCC
30 October 2020
Upon news that a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck in the Aegean Sea off the coasts of Turkey and Greece on 30 October, World Council of Churches interim general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca called for prayers, and expressed solidarity with churches and responders who continue to help hundreds of injured and traumatized people.
At least 14 people have died across Turkey and Greece, and hundreds more have been injured. The city of Izmir in Turkey has been particularly badly hit, as has the Greek island of Samos. Some Turkish coastal towns have been flooded as well.
“As a global community, we offer our prayers and stand in solidarity with those who are coping with the aftermath of this disaster in Turkey and Greece,” said Sauca. “We pray for the responders who are helping on the scene, we pray for medical workers, we pray for families who are mourning—may God comfort you in this time of trauma.”
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