Wednesday, October 21, 2020

THURSDAY Greenfaith & Election Defenders Faith Call

Today in Colorado, a climate fueled wildfire continues to consume over 200,000 acres, making it the largest in Colorado’s history. While the fire rages, early voting has begun in many states across the country. We are fully aware that climate disasters and displacement, combined with COVID-19 and voter suppression, will make it harder to vote this year.

One of the ways that we can help people vote in this election is to become a GreenFaith Moral Observer. Our Moral Observers will be joining a network called the Election Defenders. This network will ensure that every voter who wants to vote, can do so safely and have their votes and voices counted.

As some of the most engaged and dedicated members of our GreenFaith community, we wanted to invite you to a Faith and Clergy call on Thursday. We’ll be joining with The Frontline Election Defenders, Unitarian Universalists, T'ruah, and Faith Matters Network to discuss how to plug into this election as Faith leaders. We hope you’ll join us. Register here.

  • When: Thursday, Oct 22 at 8pm EDT/ 5pm PDT

  • WhereZoom

  • Who: You and anybody in your faith or spiritual community

In partnership with these groups, we will discuss how we as people of faith will protect and support a safe and fair election across the U.S, and we'll begin to discuss what may happen after Nov 3rd. If you are interested in helping to protect the vote, and the integrity of our democracy, we hope you’ll join us.

Thank you for being a part of this work.

All the Best,

Louis Romain, GreenFaith Organizer

PS. We are so excited to offer a training this Friday to help you think about talking to your friends, family, and members of your community one on one about voting compassionately in the upcoming election. If you’re interested in joining that training on Friday, please RSVP here.

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