Saturday, October 17, 2020

Deadline on Saturday

The 2020 General Election is just 18 days away, and the outcomes of the election are likely to affect countless issues supported by the community.

Unfortunately, many Americans face serious barriers to voting – which is why it’s even more important that eligible voters raise their voices. Sometimes eligible voters just need a gentle reminder, Ed. Handwritten "please vote" letters sent to unlikely voters in critical swing states are one of the most powerful things any of us can do to influence this election. Are you willing to write a few letters?

Sign up to write letters

Writing letters is a way to help convince other people who rarely vote in presidential elections to vote this year. And the data shows that it works – people just need a reminder!

All you need to do is sign up, and the online tool will give you a template for your letters along with a list of people to send them to. You can send as many as you want, and you can invite your friends and family to write letters, too.

Sign up here to write a few letters

Don’t wait – Saturday, October 17th is the deadline to mail letters. Let’s make this election’s voter turnout one for the record books. Will you help get out the vote this election by writing letters to eligible, underrepresented voters?

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