Friday, October 30, 2020

WCC NEWS: In Papua New Guinea, a “lamp of justice and peace” shines for Thursdays in Black

Photo: Ivars Kupcis/WCC
29 October 2020

The Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee, based in Papua New Guinea, continues to advocate against sexual violence, and has been lighting a special “lamp of justice and peace” as part of the Thursdays in Black campaign for a world free from rape and violence.

Over the summer, the organization’s staff began lighting a lamp or lantern to signify, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, a collective call for justice and peace. The organization has continued lighting lamps as a sign of solidarity with other global voices for a new world forged out of love, peace, unity, and respect for women and children.

“For far too long, the cry for justice and peace has been the cry of women groups and activists, who have gone before us and who have tirelessly championed this cause. Sadly that cry continues today. We are taking a further step by lighting a lamp or flipping on that switch to give more weight to this incessant call for justice,” said Isi Oru, deputy national coordinator for the Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee.

“Once alight,” he added, “this will be our lamp of justice and peace, and we are lighting it and keeping it alight. In so doing, we are not only giving momentum to the voice and action, but most importantly shedding light onto to this ongoing problem and the underlying issues.”

Oru remembered and honored those who have fallen as a result of domestic violence, and reminded all to “keep the fire of activism against violence alive and to continue the quest for justice and peace.”

Oru added: “Thursdays in Black has been an ongoing movement for us internally because of our focus on ending violence against women and children, including other vulnerable groups and the suffering experience by the survivors of violence which includes, physical, psychological and sexual harm. As it burned in the hearts of those who have walked before us, let it burn today as a reminiscent of those lives who have fought so hard and to inspire us to continue the fight and to keep this alight to burn still in the future.”

Learn more about Thursdays in Black campaign

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