Saturday, October 17, 2020

It's past time for a new way

PPF Weekend Digest

I'm Rev. Ashley Bair. I'm working for PPF during our deep focus on defunding the police. I'm a Teaching Elder in the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area, and have worked in relational organizing on both national and local electoral campaigns. In the March 2020 electoral cycle, I was named as the most effective political organizer in the country.

As we continue our deep focus on defunding the police, we're sharing reflections from the PPF community about learning and action around abolition, police, and policing.

Today, we invite you to read my reflection here, and check out all of the events we have coming up to provide opportunities to engage with our deep focus. I hope you'll pick a time to join us in engaging deeply with this urgent and visionary movement moment.

Upcoming PPF Events
What does "defund the police" mean?

Tuesday 10/20
1:00-2:00pm ET

Join us for a conversation via Zoom about:
  • what “defund the police” means
  • where some of the demands and movements to defund the police come from
  • an exploration of how to engage discomfort or disagreement around “defund the police”, and beginning steps for how to have a conversation with others about it
Coffee Hour

Friday 10/23
11:00-11:45am ET
**note: this is an earlier time than most of our Coffee Hours

Join PPF Community to hold space and share information and practices for preparing for the uncertainty and intensity of the election.
Post-election Coffee Hour

Friday 11/6
1:15pm ET

Join PPF Peace Churches for a conversation and debrief after the election, and in response to potential election scenarios, such as a not-yet-decided election, a contested election, or other uncertainty.
Coffee Hour: What are we learning about defunding the police?

Friday 11/20
1:15pm ET

Join PPF a few months into our deep focus on defunding the police to discuss what we’re learning in Action Circles and other spaces about what it looks like for churches and PPF to engage in movements to defund police.
Advent Coffee Hour Bible Study

Friday 12/4
1:15pm ET

Join PPF in the kick-off of our Advent season in a Coffee Hour Bible Study with Claudio Carvalhaes – Advent and Apocalypse: Beginnings and Endings.
Advent & Abolition

More info coming soon!

Stay tuned for information about Advent season learning and action about abolition, with our partner organizations.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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