Wednesday, October 28, 2020

It is imperative that EVERY vote is counted.

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court dealt an unethical blow to voting rights by ruling that ballots received after election day in Wisconsin will not be counted even if they're postmarked by election day. When combined with cuts to the US Postal Service, this is a blatant and unethical act of voter suppression.

But despite this setback, people all across the country are voting early or by mail, or making plans to vote in person. People of diverse faiths have a moral obligation to protect the integrity of the election.

That’s why on Thursday, we’ll be running a training on how to make sure every vote gets counted and we can prepare for an immoral, election-related power grab.

As the end of the election season nears, many people are concerned that the real results will not be honored. This training will give us the skills we need to prepare ourselves to fight for election justice. Using techniques drawn from community organizing, we'll learn how to support each other through uncertain times, communicate in a way that sparks empowerment instead of demoralization, have conversations with people in our lives, and build a team of trusted allies that can mobilize quickly and take meaningful action. We will also talk about actions we can all plug into in the days, weeks and months to come.

There has been too much public discussion questioning the legitimacy of legally cast, mail-in ballots and too many threats of violence related to the election. We are profoundly concerned and we are taking action to protect the sanctity of our election.

Join the training on Thursday at 4:30pm ET to prepare ourselves for whatever may come.

We are in the midst of a global pandemic. In addition, parts of the country are facing massive floods or forest fires, making it unsafe to travel meaningful distances. Clearly, we will see a large increase in mail-in voting this election. The bottom line is every vote should count no matter how it’s cast. And we have the power to make that happen.

As a faith community, it’s our turn to take leadership, just as many people of faith have done before us. Join us to get prepared.

Together, we can help ensure a truthful outcome, and we will accept nothing less. As people of faith, we believe that this is what is right.  

In this moment of great importance, may our faith and our commitment to integrity be our guide, and may God be with us all.

In faith,

Rev. Fletcher Harper

PS. If you have not yet signed the declaration to Count Every Vote, add your name here!

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