Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Change.org - Stop spreading misinformation

The last presidential election debate takes place this Thursday. Americans deserve to make an informed decision when they vote. Marcel thinks that live fact-checking during political debates would help make that possible. And would hold politicians accountable for spreading misinformation. Add your name to this petition now to demand live fact-checking for the last national debate.

Live Fact Checking During Political Debates

5,133 have signed Marcel dinkins’s petition. Let’s get to 7,500!

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Live fact checking should run across the screens or should be announced live during the all presidential debates in order to allow transparency and to allow Americans to make informed decisions about who the choose for President. 

This I believe would solve the following problems:

  • It would restore Americans belief in the political process 
  • It would shift the narrative of two party politics from identity politics back to politics of policy
  • It would hold politicians accountable for misinformation
  • It would create a more curious and well informed public 

In order for this to be executed properly this should be enforced by a non partisan committee such as the Debate commission . 

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