It is officially one week until election day! Here are a few tips to remember when casting your ballot:
- Make sure to read and follow all instructions on your absentee ballot.
- Remember to sign your absentee ballot.
- If you can, turn your absentee ballot in at drop off a location. Visit your state’s Board of Elections website to find absentee ballot drop off locations in your area.
- Some states require absentee ballots to be postmarked by election day or the day before; other states require absentee ballots to be received by the election. If mailing your ballot, check your state’s Board of Elections website to find more information about the absentee ballot deadline.
- If you are voting in person, visit your state’s Board of Elections website to find out your city’s early and same-day in-person voting locations.
- If you are not registered to vote, seven states have same-day registration. Check www.vote.org to see if you live in one of those states.
- If you encounter problems while voting, call:
- English: 866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683)
- Spanish: 888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-866-839-8681)
- Asian & Pacific languages: 888-API-VOTE (1-888-174-8683)
- Arabic languages: 844-YALLA-US (1-844-915-5187)
- American Sign Language video call number: 301-818-VOTE (301-818-8683)
For more information about voting resources or the PC(USA) Votes 2020 campaign, visit www.pcusa.org/vote.
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