Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - Bring Charlie Brown back

The Peanuts holiday specials have aired on Americans’ TVs for over 50 years. This year, Apple has announced that Peanuts will only be available on Apple TV platforms. Michael thinks this corporate greed is ruining an American tradition that is special for many families. Sign this petition now and demand Charlie Brown holiday specials are brought back to TV.

Bring the Peanuts specials back to broadcast TV!

11,852 have signed Michael Nebbia’s petition. Let’s get to 15,000!

Sign now with a click

For over 50 years, we have celebrated the holidays with the airings of the Peanuts holiday specials on TV - first on CBS, then on ABC. To our shock and dismay, last night it was announced that Apple had swiped the football from us and claimed the specials for their Apple TV platform, leaving us devoted fans who have grown up with Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang in the dark, unable to watch.

Obviously we can’t let this stand. We can not let Apple take the football away from us like Lucy always does to Charlie Brown! It’s time for us Peanuts fans to stand up to Apple and Wildbrain Studios (current owners of Peanuts) and show them they’re making a mistake. With this petition, we are making a statement - the statement that #AppleHatesTradition and that the tradition of watching the Peanuts holiday specials should be renewed as soon as possible! All we have to do is sign this, send it off and and share it.

Win or lose, we are telling Apple and Wildbrain Studios that we will not fall for their corporate greed. But our goal is to get our Peanuts back on television and bring back the tradition! The time for saying ’Good Grief’ is over. Now’s the time to take action. Now’s the time to fight back! Do it for Charlie Brown and for Peanuts fans everywhere, young and old!

Sign now with a click

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