Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Election resources for congregations

PPF E-News: Election Resources
Given the chaos and gravity of the election, this e-news comes to all Presbyterian Peace Fellowship readers and to its Gun Violence Prevention network. With the election already underway in some states, we can still act to support fair, faithful and effective voting.

Find complete voting information for all states at the nonpartisan vote411.org
P.S. Nov. 3 happens to be the birthday of our late Gun Violence Prevention prophet, Jim Atwood. Let's give Jim the largest voter turnout in American history!
PCUSA Resources: See pcusa.org/vote for many resources

Voter Guides:

Make a safe + effective voting plan
  • Find your state's rules, registration, mail-in, absentee and all voting info on www.vote411.org/
  • Consider your options and do everything as early and directly as you are able to: request an absentee ballot, drop it off in person if possible, or do early voting if you plan to vote in-person.

Get Out The Vote

Protect Voting
  • With COVID, America needs many more poll workers now and on Nov. 3. Volunteer HERE.
  • If you learn of voting suppression or other issues call: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) In Spanish 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682)

If there is an election crisis, what is the task of the church?
With the crises COVID and rising attacks on democracy, we all need to prepare for what will be an election season rather than an election day, with results slow and/or a contested election. Start thinking and talking now about how your church might respond in the event of a national or local election crisis.
  • Hold the Line is a helpful guide to understanding scenarios that could unfold, and how to think about preparation.
  • Our accompaniment partners with Unarmed Civilian Protection are offering trainings:
  • 10/3 Unarmed Civilian Protection and Accompaniment from 12-2pm and 3-5pm EDT. Focus will be on Post-Election scenarios. Full training is both segments. REGISTER HERE.
  • 10/17 We will offer an ONLINE training in Active Bystander Intervention from 10am-12pm and 1-3pm EDT. Focus will be on Post-Election scenarios. Full training is both segments. REGISTER HERE
"We see voting as a way to effect change.
It's not enough just to talk and pray about an issue."
Barbara Overton, Co-Chair of the Mission Committee,
Riviera Presbyterian Church, Dade County, Florida

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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