Saturday, March 21, 2020

Take Action to Support Immigrant and Refugee Communities

Right now, Members of Congress are working on important legislation around the Coronavirus / COVID-19. Crises test who we are as a nation - and we are stronger when we are united, extend compassion to our neighbors, listen to public health experts, and resist medical prejudice and scapegoating. It is imperative that Members of Congress hear that their constituents want to see meaningful solutions that support all of our neighbors, including immigrant and refugee community members.

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Sample Script:

“I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and [as a person of faith] I urge you to support immigrant and refugee communities as you negotiate Coronavirus / COVID-19 legislation. It is imperative that you support provisions that would:
  1. Eliminate immigration restrictions on the new Medicaid state option for COVID testing.
  2. Ensure unemployment and paid sick leave be extended to refugees and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders, who have arrived recently and thus may not have the work history to make them eligible for either.
  3. Oppose all DHS funds for ICE and CBP.
  4. Restrict transfer and reprogramming of funds for immigration enforcement.
My community believes that we are stronger when we care for one another, including our immigrant and refugee neighbors. I urge you to resist medical prejudice and scapegoating, and uphold the best of who we are.”

Additional Resources:

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