Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Grace and Gratitude Newsletter, March 2020

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Ray JonesIt has always been interesting to me that Jesus experienced in one moment God’s powerful, unconditional, life-changing love and in the next moment was tempted not to trust God’s love (Mark 1:9–13). This reality has haunted me my entire faith journey because this is my journey. My prayer this Lenten season is that I clearly recognize the Tempter’s voice and have God’s strength to overcome (Psalm 16:1).

I am easily tempted to follow the voice that will meet my needs quickly. It is so easy to allow fear to be my guide. Along this Lenten journey, I am spending more time listening to the still voice of God in Christ and not the voice of the Tempter. The Tempter’s voice is always a voice that leads me away from my humanity.

There is so much fear and division in our world right now. One such fear is the coronavirus.
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chalice with cross
Pastoral statement about coronavirus
From PC(USA)’s Office of Theology & Worship, communication is designed to help church leaders provide strong and loving leadership in worship —which is a significant part of the ministry of pastoral care during a time of crisis.
Download statement
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New worship resource
Learn about a new documentary that explores the deep connection between justice and worship — compelling congregations to be part of God’s mission of justice in the world.
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Sunday worship service
Film comes with discussion guide
The 33-minute Just Worship film encourages churches to answer God’s call to work for justice. It also reveals how taking part in worship is doing justice — and encourages the church to enact Spirit-filled worship that welcomes the coming reign of God.
Watch, download here
chalice with cross
‘Gift’ of Vital Congregations
A South Carolina church is calling a painful discovery that they were not as healthy as they appeared to be a "gift" that is leading to renewal — thanks to their participation in the Vital Congregations initiative.
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Vital Congregations national gathering
Be sure to attend the upcoming Vital Congregations gathering that is for all presbyteries/churches that have either been through, or are going through the initiative, and any mid council church leaders who might have interest.
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Scholarships available for PC(USA) students for 2020-21
For church members going to any accredited college, university, or seminary in the U.S. Read about these opportunities by clicking on each link below:
Apply online
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Become a Matthew 25 church
Matthew 25:31–46 calls all of us to actively engage in the world around us, so our faith comes alive and we wake up to new possibilities. Matthew 25 is a bold new vision and invitation from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) with over 460 congregations and mid councils that have already pledged to become a Matthew 25 church by working to build congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism and eradicate systemic poverty. We invite you to join us on this journey!
Find out how
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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800-728-7228 | 502-569-5000

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