Thursday, March 12, 2020

A message about COVID-19 and MBF partner hospitals



Dear Partners in Ministry,

It seems to me that we are almost in the midst of a COVID-19 apocalypse. Hour by hour there are new stories, new cancelations and the shelves of the stores have become bare. Yet in the midst of all this, I have some great news of God’s providence.

This week we began communicating with all of our international medical partners, sharing the guidance US hospitals were being given and offering to help our partners prepare their emergency response. Today I had some great news from Haiti of all places! In terms of face masks, HSC hospital, FSIL Nursing School and Darbonne Maternity Clinic are all well prepared. It turns out that in our last pharmaceutical container, Brother’s Brother also included a large quantity of donated medical supplies which ------ included 30 cartons of face masks!!!!

In terms of hand sanitizer, an MBF consulting team of doctors and nurses began working with the Haiti hospital team last August to help them develop and implement a hand hygiene project. That has included training for the staff and in addition, the pharmacy has started producing sanitizer at the hospital to cover their needs.

WOW! So in response to the question of how can we help them prepare – our medical partners in Haiti already have face masks and hand sanitizer in place and ready to go!

It is truly amazing to see that while we were simply doing what we were called to do, God was orchestrating a preparedness plan in Haiti well before we knew there were any problems.

Now we need your help. While our partners in Haiti are prepared, our health care workers in Africa are lacking these necessary resources. Protecting them from the virus is critical to treating the epidemic. Your $19 gift will provide the masks and hand sanitizer ingredients they desperately need to battle COVID-19 and allow us to quickly distribute replacements as needed.


E. Andrew Mayo
Office 281-201-2043 ext. 110
Copyright © 2020 Medical Benevolence Foundation, All rights reserved.
We send special reports to all partners who have chosen to walk alongside us in medical missions.

Our mailing address is:
Medical Benevolence Foundation
9555 W. Sam Houston Parkway South
Suite 170
Houston, TX 77099

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