Friday, March 27, 2020

Medical Benevolence Foundation - We Will Not Retreat.

Forgive us, this is not a time for a letter that says “dear all we are doing just fine”. With confusion and diversions all around us, God is calling MBF to move forward aggressively in this time of healthcare crisis, and not wait to see what happens. We can’t sit still, God is calling us to lead! Here are two immediate actions that will be important to you and your faithful ministry.

International Hospital Partners – As you know, this is a critical time for all our international partners. If you think that things are bad for us, imagine trying to respond from a hospital without any sophisticated equipment. The good news is that so far there is limited spread of the virus in Haiti and sub-Saharan Africa. They are all poorly equipped but we are trying to help them prepare.

Last week we launched a Corona Response Project with all of our hospital, nursing school and clinic partners across about 10 countries. We are working with the hospital partners in each country on their own unique country plan but we are also doing some things for them as a group.  We have launched a plan for all of our international partners with four specific parts:
  1. Medical leadership - We are providing a steady source of data and scientific articles/updates etc. We are vetting and condensing the information so our partners will have easy access to everything they need; information/data/education.              
  2. Best Practices - Secondly we are sharing communication among all the hospitals across countries. We are hoping that by sharing information, they can get ideas and learn from each other as peers.
  3. Emergency Relief - We are offering financial resources to help with equipment and supplies.
  4. Prayer Support - Finally we are collecting prayer needs and offering ongoing encouragement and support. Praying for each other is probably the most important place to start.
We are doing our best to daily communicate all up-to-date data and medical information as well as help them prepare operationally to the best of their ability.

US Churches and Individuals - Today we are also launching a new effort for communications with you our US church and individual partners. We will have weekly communication that will be sent out to everyone. This communication will include three sections:
  1. Education and information - We want to provide a reliable source for the latest data and education. Our church communities have a huge opportunity to step up and communicate and influence within their own community and we want to provide every resource we can find.
  2. Updates on countries and individual partners - We will let you know the latest goings-on in each country and with our hospital partners, direct from the front lines.
  3. Prayer - Finally we will share important vital prayer requests from our international partners.

There was an article I received this weekend which has already been viewed over 45 million times called "the Hammer and the Dance". What the article made me realize is that we all need to take a leadership role and not sit and wait on the government. We need to take responsibility and act to make good things happen.

If we really do believe Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose, then now is our time to be faithful and diligent in the ministry he has called us to.

We would humbly ask a couple of specific actions on your part:
  • Please commit to pray daily for one of our international hospital partners. They are at the edge of a potentially horrendous battle and only God can intervene.
  • Please let us know if you want us to add others you know to our list. We are glad to share this information with anyone.
  • Finally, please let us know if there is specific information or partner reports you would like to see.  

As a team, we are committed to praying daily and serving you and our international partners.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve.


E. Andrew Mayo
Copyright © 2020 Medical Benevolence Foundation, All rights reserved.
We send special reports to all partners who have chosen to walk alongside us in medical missions.

Our mailing address is:
Medical Benevolence Foundation
9555 W. Sam Houston Parkway South
Suite 170
Houston, TX 77099

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