Friday, March 24, 2023

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - What if abolition is something that grows?

A New Abolition Study Group
Abolition fundamentally asks us to reconsider systems that do not serve us and imagine new ones instead. So many leaders have long been inside this work of radical imagination who can guide us in our own practice of abolition as it relates to dismantling mass incarceration and reimagining public safety.

We believe this framework has so much to offer how we also think about ridding the world of war and the weapons that fuel violence.

Presbyterians for Abolition are launching a new educational offering to invite people who are curious about abolition and those who want to deepen their own practice to dive in together for this six week series. We will study history, abolition practice and weave together these themes with our own spiritual tradition.
We will gather for six weeks using the the Abolition Journal Study Guide and the seminal book: “Are Prisons Obsolete?” by Angela Davis to guide us.

One hundred percent of registration fees will go towards Voices of Jubilee (a PCUSA abolition ministry) and Critical Resistance (a long time org leading abolition movement led by BIPOC leaders).

Dates: April 20 – May 25, Thurs @ 3:30 PT/6:30 ET
Cost: is a sliding scale of $60-300

If $60 is too much please contact us. If you have an organization paying for your involvement, consider paying the highest prices (i.e. from con ed funds).

“Abolition is a lens on life. It can positively affect the way you see so much of the world around you–yes, how you view prisons and police, but also how you view bodily autonomy, parenting, interaction with the non-human world, and, especially, how you view Jesus’ witness here on earth. Reading about a guy who was killed by the state, whose friends were incarcerated for years as political prisoners and freedom fighters, and who lived to challenge systems and imagine ways out of structures is abolition. The Bible tells a truly abolitionist story, rooted in love for another and a deeply abundant God that says no to incarceration and punishment in all forms.”

~ Addie Domske
“I took this course in 2022 in an effort to better understand the prison abolition movement and become more comfortable using abolitionist language. It was as important as any self-education effort I have committed to in a very long time, and I look forward to being a part of the team that will share it with others.”

~ Rick Ufford-Chase
We hope you'll join us in study!

Dexter Kearny
Presbys for Abolition member

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