Monday, March 27, 2023

Presbyterian Justice & Peace: Joining Hands - Celebrating our partners and sharing their challenges

hands holding seeds

Dear Friend,


In this edition of the Justice & Peace Focus newsletter, we lift up the voices of our Joining Hands networks and other international partners of the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) who are working tirelessly to protect human rights and to improve the food security, livelihoods and health of communities and the environment.


Many of the featured articles celebrate the successes of our partners but also share heavy struggles, from famine to political and economic crises, that continue to affect their countries and communities.


These stories are a testament to the importance of gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing. Your gifts make it possible for PHP to accompany these grassroots groups and networks in the difficult work of alleviating hunger and eliminating its causes.


In love and gratitude,


Eileen Schuhmann

Associate for Global Engagement and Resources

Presbyterian Hunger Program

Two women and two boys playing together Somalia

Conflict and climate change push millions close to famine in Somalia


Mangos and Matthew 25 in Madagascar


The Pitfalls of Mining in Cameroon

women displaying baked bread

Baking the future


Notes on the political crisis in Peru and the role of churches

Front facade of the Church_of_San_Francisco_(Lima,_Peru)

PC(USA) partner reports on the Peru uprising that’s killed 50 and injured hundreds


'Bitter Sugar' Campaign Seeks to Eliminate Agrotoxins in Sugar Industry


Sri Lanka, the Shattered Pearl of the Indian Ocean

Group standing with hoes in front of garden

Building Women’s Economic Resilience through Farming in South Sudan

kids 600x300

Spreading the Vision of Matthew 25 across the Church

The PC(USA) believes that we are called to serve Jesus by contributing to the well-being of the most vulnerable in all societies – rural and urban, small and large, young and not-so-young. From affordable housing to community gardens to equitable educational and employment opportunities to healing from addiction and mental illness to enacting policy change – there is not just one way to be a part of the Matthew 25 movement.


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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