Monday, March 13, 2023 Petition: End the Clock Change - Make Daylight Saving Permanent

It’s that time of year — millions of Americans will have to adapt to yet another time change this weekend. Last year, the Senate unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act and it looked like the twice-yearly time change would be a thing of the past. The bill ended up stalling in the House, but the Coalition for a Permanent Daylight Saving Time believes now is the time to rally support to get Congress to finish the job. If you agree, sign their petition today.

End the Clock Change: Make Daylight Saving Permanent

4,318 have signed The Coalition for a Permanent Daylight Saving Time’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

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The Coalition for Permanent Daylight Saving Time is calling for an end to the twice-yearly switch from standard time to daylight saving time. Instead, we advocate for a year-round, permanent daylight saving time.

The twice-yearly clock change is a negative ritual that serves little purpose and causes many problems. Along with the adverse health effects that come with the time changes, the societal effects of "falling back" to early sunsets and premature darkness are even worse. It’s a leading cause of seasonal depression all year round. It also causes an increase in highway accidents and accidents involving animals, and leads to a decrease in participation in after-school activities, outdoor recreation, sports, and in business such as retail, home service, and restaurants.

The support for our cause is overwhelming. Nineteen US states have enacted legislation to address daylight saving time, and the US Senate has passed the Sunshine Protection Act with bipartisan support from 8 Democrats and 10 Republicans. However, Congress has yet to act on this bill, and the recent change in power in the House provides us with a new opportunity.

We officially request that Congress pass a resolution to make daylight saving time permanent and that it be signed into law by the President of the United States. This forward-thinking move by the United States will be the first step in a worldwide adoption of permanent daylight saving time, leading to a brighter future and the enlightenment of mankind.

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