Saturday, March 11, 2023 Petition: Demand that President Biden Shuts Down the Line 5 Oil Pipeline

All eyes are on the Biden administration as activists urge the President to reject the Willow Project. The proposed oil pipeline would run through Alaska and could have a massive detrimental environmental impact. In the Midwest, there’s already a pipeline that is just one accident away from a monumental disaster. The Line 5 pipeline runs through the Straits of Mackinac, and has already leaked more than 30 times. A rupture could mean millions of gallons of oil is spilled into all five of the Great Lakes. Sign now to demand President Biden not only reject future pipelines, but shut down existing dangers.

Demand that President Biden Shuts Down the Line 5 Oil Pipeline

3,423 have signed Lake Liao’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

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I was born and raised in Michigan, and I’ve lived my entire life surrounded by the Great Lakes. These waters are the backbone of our state and the surrounding area – they provide fresh drinking water to tens of millions of Canadians and Americans, they support local economies, and they are beloved and enjoyed by those who live on and near them.

I care deeply about protecting these waters and organizing for action against climate change as a whole, which is why I founded the Sunrise Troy chapter of Sunrise Movement, a youth-led organization working to win a Green New Deal.

But our Great Lakes are in danger. Enbridge’s Line 5 Oil Pipeline includes four miles underwater in the Straits of Mackinaw, meaning that we are one rupture away from millions of gallons of oil polluting all five Great Lakes within 24 hours - 21% of the world’s fresh water. Line 5 has already had over 30 leaks in the past 50 years.

There is a current planned tunnel project to reinforce the pipeline, but it will take years. The risk is unacceptable.

In November 2021, the Biden Administration stated that they had no plans to take action. We need to change his mind. President Biden must use his executive powers to stand with Indigenous people and the broader environmental movement by shutting down the Line 5 Oil Pipeline.

Sign this petition now to protect the Great Lakes. 

If you are an elected official or in contact with one who wants to support this effort beyond signing your name, reach out to me at

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