Thursday, March 9, 2023 Petition: Let’s demand they take down the confederate flag in Spartanburg County, 1-85

Spartanburg County Council has the power to remove a large Confederate flag on private property in South Carolina. The flag casts a shadow on generations of minorities and sends a message of hate and refusal to accept equality. Residents believe that the flag is a true eyesore along the 1-85 corridor. Sign the petition and take action and show that this is not who they are as a community.

Let’s demand they take down the confederate flag in Spartanburg County, 1-85

2,133 have signed R Pogue’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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I’m writing this because this is something I care about deeply and it won’t happen without the support of people like you. Starting a petition isn’t something I would normally do, but I was moved to do so because I recently chose the greater Spartanburg area for its eclectic and diverse population. I know that together, we can make this change happen.

This impacts every homeowner and employer in South Carolina, specifically in the Spartanburg-Greenville corridor, down to Atlanta and up to Charlotte! It SHOULD affect every American - and human being that sees this horrible disgrace for what we should be calling, these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Are we truly united? Will we ever be?

Our family loves everyone and cares for the well-being of ALL our neighbors. These symbols/flags cast a ton of shade on generations of minorities, past and present and a lot of hate and refusal to accept that we are all equal, as human beings now. The huge display that can been seen for miles as you approach Spartanburg is a true eyesore and should be admonished by the State’s great employers and those looking for economic successes. I am all for a private residence being able to host a small flag of honor or remembrance, a sign, a memorial, a representation of the past - in their own private setting - not for all the world to see and not give US the options of looking away. We don’t want to see it anymore and wish for you to move on, get onboard with the true patriotic flag that we all pledge ourselves to. This particular veterans group has lawyered up, to ensure they find the necessary loopholes to rally their members who feel threatened it will be forgotten. Don’t worry - true patriots will always remember the traitors that tried to break the country apart. 

Right now, this flag has been controversial for almost a year now. Permits were given, city council has ruled it is in a small violation, it has been appealed, and it has been deemed that the council made an error. So, as is sands now, the flag can continue to fly high.

I want to show residents of the area (Dems and Reps), businesses, employers thinking of moving here and especially our locally elected politicians - this is not US. We are proud too, forgiving, loving and smarter to understand that in order to thrive, we need harmony and balance and make the area inviting to those who want opportunity and success - not be burdened of ghosts of the past. Your voice. Now is the time to take HATE down. I pledge my allegiance to the US Flag.

#politics #blacklivesmatter #equality #democracy #hatersaremymotivators #confederateflag #southcarolina #spartanburg #michelin #BMW #milliken #prismahealth #bonsecours #anmedhealth #dukeenergy #gepower #spartanburgregional #EmbraceTheChase #chaserdreams #UofSC #upstatesc #CEO #HR #blacklivesmatter #ConfederatesLost #AmericanLegion #vfw #shameful #postandcourier #goupstate #wspa #bethanyfowler #sydneybroadus #AssociatedPress #changeorg #petition #ShareThisPost #screaltors #NOhate

Photo Caption: Tim Kimzey/For The Post and Courier

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