Tuesday, March 14, 2023

GreenFaith - I disrupted a CEO last week – you can too!

Last week, I disrupted TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanné during a morning plenary at CERAweek, one of the biggest fossil fuel industry conferences in the world. I stood on a chair and raised a banner with the words “STOP EACOP & RIO GRANDE LNG”, and I said: “In love and solidarity with the people of East Africa and across Texas, Louisiana and the entire world being poisoned by TotalEnergies and other companies in this room – we must end the era of fossil fuels!”

Footage of the disruption quickly went viral, with more than 100,000 impressions on Twitter and coverage from multiple media outlets, including “Bloomberg”, and “Reuters.” Sometimes faith in action looks like literally disrupting business as usual!

If you are inspired by what I did, and would like to learn how you can support and engage in bold faith action for climate justice, please join me for a Faith in Public Action Training - Thursday, March 16, at 7pm ET / 6 CT / 5 MT / 4 PT.

Together, we will explore from theological, social, and practical standpoints why it matters that people of faith show up in public and how to do it in a way that feels faithful. If you are shy about taking public actions or are not sure how to begin, this will be especially helpful. For seasoned leaders, this is a chance to share your wisdom! Come to learn, share your experience and get ready for your first/next action!

Our spiritual and religious connections can help us take the kinds of courageous actions that are now required of us to push governments and industries to adequately address the climate emergency! Before standing up and disrupting TotalEnergies’ CEO last week, I imagined the faces of the many people I do this work with who inspire and sustain me, such as my GreenFaith colleagues opposing the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) in East Africa and France, and I said a prayer.

My faith as a Unitarian Universalist calls me to protect and respect the Web of Life and to act for justice and equity for all the communities impacted by polluting fossil fuels and our escalating climate crisis.

If you are moved by your faith, spirituality or moral conscience to join me in this cause, please consider joining me at this Thursday’s Faith in Public Action Training - March 16, 7pm ET / 6 CT / 5 MT / 4 PT.

We are stronger together!

In faith and solidarity,

Aly Tharp, GreenFaith US Senior Organizer

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