Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - We need 20 preachers...

Take the 2023 Pledge
Dear Ed,

Last year we raised $2500 from preachers who committed to preaching nonviolence and then donated their honorarium to PPF. This came from a group of 10 preachers and was our first time connecting with congregations in this way.

This year we are reaching out to preachers in our network (ordained and not) who will take the pledge this year. We want to see if we can reach 20 pledges and raise at least $5,000.

We hope this connects us with more congregations in our commitment to nonviolence and anti-racism. We want more communities taking up the Guns to Gardens campaign, entering into the work of abolition and studying the new Peace Church curriculum!

That's where you come in.

Will you commit to preaching peace at least one time in 2023 in a congregation on behalf of PPF and donate your honorarium?

Once you take the pledge we'll share a toolkit with you that will offer support to preach nonviolence and anti-racism and will also have some liturgy and resources for you to utilize as you plan worship.


David Ensign, PPF Interim Executive Director

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

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