Friday, March 3, 2023 Petition: Biden Administration and ConocoPhillips - SAY NO TO THE WILLOW PROJECT!

Any moment now, President Biden could approve a new oil pipeline that will run through Alaska and produce 100,000 barrels of oil every year. The pipeline will have a devastating effect on Alaskan wildlife and create an estimated 9.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year. Will you sign this growing petition to prevent the approval of the Willow Project?

Biden Administration and ConocoPhillips: SAY NO TO THE WILLOW PROJECT!

923,790 have signed Sonny Ahk’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000,000!

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The Willow Project is a proposed pipeline in Northern Alaska that has been proposed by ConocoPhillips, a company that has been surrounded by controversy for continued oil drilling, exploitation of nature, and posing risks to indigenous communities globally.

This project was proposed during the Trump administration, but has yet to be approved by the Biden administration. Despite Biden promising to turn away from non-renewable energy sources such as oil, he is still defending this project.

If this pipeline were to be approved, 100,000 barrels of oil would be produced for the next 30 years. The first oil to be used from this pipeline would be as early as 2024. We do not have much time, but it’s still enough to defend our earth and the Iñupiat that live there. 

ConocoPhillips, the company that has proposed this project, claims that half of the federal royalty will be shared with the State of Alaska to be used to address potential needs of North Slope communities. In other words, none of the money goes directly to Alaska Natives, but rather goes to the state who decides whether or not Natives deserve it. These colonial governments have caused more than enough damage to Alaska Native communities. Assuming that you can pay off Indigenous people to be silent while exploiting and ruining our ancestral lands is nothing short of an insult and a continuation of genocide. 

Alaska has warmed more than twice as fast as the rest of the United States. Water levels are rising and the ground is thawing. Ruining our earth so that the rest of the world can live conveniently will have detrimental effects for our generations to come. Our earth, our people, and our wildlife are crying. KEEP IT IN THE GROUND! 

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