Wednesday, March 29, 2023 Petition: Ensure Equal Access to Life-saving PrEP Medication!

Ensure Equal Access to Life-saving PrEP Medication!

15,512 have signed Heba Mohiuddin’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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My dad was nearly my age when he left his family and everything he knew to move to the United States completely alone. He came seeking a better life for his children. Better education, better opportunity, and, above all, better healthcare. He reasoned a healthcare system that offered an additional ten years of life for his children was worth it.  

Unfortunately, the healthcare system as we know it is eroding. Slowly, but surely, political extremists are filing cases to try and deny Americans access to lifesaving medication, including HIV-preventing medicine (PrEP). With cases in Texas, California, and Pennsylvania (and many more), scientifically inaccurate and discriminatory ideas have been used to justify blocking equal access

These targeted attacks to equal access are specifically horrific when it comes to PrEP, an HIV-preventing medication. We have medicine that is more than 99% effective in completely preventing the contraction of HIV/AIDS, yet hundreds of thousands of lives are taken each year from HIV/AIDS. PrEP is so effective, in fact, that when it was introduced in 2012, HIV diagnoses dropped from 11.1% to 0.7% IN ONE YEAR. Every single President of the past 2 decades has promised to end the HIV epidemic and we have the medicine to end it, so why do we still have to fight for it? 

These attacks on our freedom and health are even more unfathomable as we recover from the destruction of COVID-19. Even wIth 2 years of readily available COVID vaccines, we are only now able to imagine a world without COVID. We are aware of how important access to medicine is and it is absolutely imperative for our healthcare system to prioritize our health and justice over inequity. 

Every case attacking equal access brings us further from the country my father imagined for his children. It is time to end the HIV epidemic.

This petition recognizes the need for equal access to PrEP, an HIV-preventing medication. Join us in ensuring Equitable Access to life-saving medication and help us pass our bill, The Strengthening Advancements in HIV Prevention Act. 

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