Monday, March 20, 2023 Petition: Dumping radioactive waste

Nearly 1 million gallons of radioactive water could be dumped into the Hudson River this summer. Holetc International’s decision to dump the waste would endanger the community, the wildlife, and hundreds of thousands of people who drink from the Hudson River. The river is already a federally designated toxic site, and this planned radioactive waste dumping could cause long-term health effects. Join JD and thousands of supporters to stop Holtec from dumping their radioactive waste into the Hudson River.

Stop the 1 million gallons of radioactive waste to be dumped into the Hudson River!

346,367 have signed J D’s petition. Let’s get to 500,000!

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Beginning this summer, August 2023, The owner of the defunct Indian Point nuclear facility says it’s planning to dump about 1 million gallons of radioactive water into the Hudson River. The move, which the company describes as the “best option” for the waste. 

Environmental groups and residents are also concerned this could harm their community, as the Hudson River is already a federally designated toxic Superfund site. Rich Burroni, Holtec’s site vice president for Indian Point, agreed to give the community at least a month’s notice before any radioactive discharge into the Hudson River begins.

This can cause unknown long term health effects on our community, children, wildlife, hundreds of thousands drinking water etc. 

Please sign and pass along this petition to STOP the dumping of radioactive waste into the Hudson River.

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