Thursday, March 30, 2023 Petition: Border fire deaths symptom of broken system - Urge Biden to protect immigrants

Border fire deaths symptom of broken system: urge Biden to protect immigrants

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At least 40 people died in an immigrant detention center on the U.S.-Mexico border after several detained people set fire to mattresses to protest the terrible conditions in the detention center, and the news that they would be deported. Surveillance videos show that guards saw the fire but made no attempt to free the imprisoned immigrants. This story is yet another tragedy of the broken U.S. immigration system. 

Please sign to urge President Biden to protect immigrants and asylum seekers and to live up to his campaign promise to “take urgent action to end the Trump Administration’s draconian policies, grounded in fear and racism rather than fact, work to heal the wounds inflicted on immigrant communities, and restore America’s moral leadership.”

During the Trump administration, “ICE expanded the immigration detention system by over 50 percent, signing contracts to open over 40 new detention facilities. This expansion overwhelmingly benefitted private prison companies, which housed 91 percent of all people held in detention centers that opened during those years,” according to the ACLU. This needless and expensive expansion of immigrant detention costs taxpayers billions of dollars, enriches private prison operators like GEO Group, and destroys the lives of people who need help, not handcuffs.

Although President Biden has undone some of Trump’s most horrific attacks on immigrants, he has continued his needless criminalization of asylum seeking. There is a better way, and Biden knows it – during the final years of the Obama administration, the US government implemented the “Family Case Management Program,” under which safely vetted asylum seekers were free to live in peace in communities while they awaited the outcome of their hearings – which frequently take months to years to be decided. The program “achieved a 99% compliance rate with ICE and immigration court requirements at a fraction of the cost of detention and supported hundreds of families in finding stability in their communities, [while] supporting them with their immigration requirements,” according to the Women’s Refugee Commission.

From a purely economic standpoint, it is ludicrous for our government to imprison asylum seekers: the Family Case Management program cost taxpayers just $36 per day per family, compared to $319 per day per person for detention. But this issue is not purely economic. It is also ethical: we are bankrupting ourselves, financially and morally, to maintain our xenophobic hatred of immigrants and refugees.

Please sign to urge President Biden to:

  1. End the criminalization of asylum-seeking.
  2. Reinstitute the Family Case Management Program.
  3. Cut all ties with private prison corporations, which have perverse incentives to imprison peaceful human beings, and have repeatedly violated basic norms of human rights
  4. Spend our money on more judges, not more prisons. No one benefits from the current system, except private prison operators.

In solidarity,

Mina Takahashi, Sangeeta Pratap, Esther Lee, Dan Gashler, and Krisy Gashler, on behalf of Delaware County Citizens for Refugee Support

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