Monday, March 6, 2023 Petition: Whole Foods - Stop selling food produced by children

Whole Foods: Stop selling food produced by children

22,393 have signed Shane Ross’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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A recent New York Times piece has exposed Whole Foods for selling chicken processed by migrant children. The exposé found that a wholesale producer of meat called Marksbury Farm Foods LLC, employed minors on several occasions, often for long shifts doing hard labor. 

Whole Foods buys meat from Marksbury Farm Foods. If you’ve bought meat at a Whole Foods, there’s a chance it was processed by children. 

Whole Foods Market promotes itself with the slogan, "Be Happy, Healthy, and Whole," and declares on its website that "Our mission is to nourish people and the planet."  Yet its customers may drive home with food which is the foul fruit of illegal child labor.  

Add your name to demand that Whole Foods live up to its mission and stop working with Marksbury Farm Foods.

Can you imagine a young teenager working hours a day to debone chicken, or process pork? This is difficult (and dangerous) work, and no child, no matter their immigration status, should have to do this. I as a Whole Foods customer don’t want to be complicit in this.

The New York Times says migrant child labor in the United States "has exploded since 2021, while systems meant to protect children have broken down."  The time is now, as patrons of Whole Foods Market and concerned citizens, to demand CEO Jason Buechel end his company’s exploitation of unlawful child labor -- and in so doing, take a strong step towards public awareness of this appalling crisis.  

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