Thursday, December 29, 2022

Reminder - Jan 5 Accompaniment Program Conversation

This note is to remind you of the upcoming Zoom gathering to talk about the Accompaniment Program. If you haven't yet read the Email we sent earlier this month, scroll down for details. Otherwise, here's what you need to know to jump onto Thursday's meeting at 7pm EST/6 pm CST/5 pm MST/4 pm PST.

Topic: Accompaniment Discernment
Time: Jan 5, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Warm greetings from the Accompaniment Program Consejo (leadership team) to alums and other PPF friends who have nurtured the program along the way. This message brings an invitation to join a discernment conversation on January 5 at 7:00 PM EST (via Zoom).
You may remember that earlier this year the Consejo decided to “hibernate” the Accompaniment Program through January 2023. Numerous factors were at play in that decision including PPF transition and discernment, the hiatus of accompaniment work due to Covid, and significant changes in Colombia and on the US/Mexico border.
As you know, a foundational understanding of PPF is that accompaniment begins when there is an invitation from local partners. Partnership is essential.
Our history reflects this. Through a strong partnership with the Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (IPC) it was possible for US volunteers to accompany nonviolent peacemakers in the IPC from 2006 until the pandemic began in 2020. PPF accompaniment in Agua Prieta, Mexico began similarly in 2019 at the initiative of the migrant shelter Centro de AtenciĆ³n al Migrante “Exodus” (CAME) and the Presbyterian binational ministry, Frontera de Cristo.
Since 2020 there has been major change in both locations. The complexities of the current realities on the ground are beyond the scope of this letter. However, one thing is clear: there are no invitations from partners in either Colombia or Mexico. Each Presbytery of the Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia is carrying out its own accompaniment in many ways. And while CAME welcomes volunteers, they do not currently need accompaniers.
Given these new realities, the Consejo believes it is time to end the PPF Accompaniment Program. This is our recommendation to the larger PPF community.
We know that friendships with ecclesial and community groups in Colombia and on the US/Mexico border will not end. They will continue, and new ones will emerge. We also know that history is ever in flux. We pray that PPF will continue to savor the lessons learned and the grace received through these years of the program. For this rich history with our partners, we give profound thanks.
We would appreciate your wisdom and sense of things. How, when, where and with whom can we close the program with gratitude and grace? We invite you to join us in this next step in our discernment, either in writing or by participating in the Zoom call or both. January 2 is the deadline for written comments. The Zoom meeting is January 5, 7:00 PM EST.
Send written comments by email to

Thank you!
PPF Accompaniment Consejo
Barbara Clawson, Linda Eastwood, Tricia Lloyd-Sidle, Ruth Noel, Jason Woods

Here is the Zoom link:

PPF (Presbyterian Peace Fellowship) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Accompaniment Discernment
Time: Jan 5, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 0315 6033
Passcode: 943874
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Meeting ID: 884 0315 6033
Passcode: 943874

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown Road, Stony Point, NY 10980

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