Friday, December 16, 2022 Petition: Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki - Shut Down Animal Torture/Killing Channel - Gatorpool Gators

Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki: Shut Down Animal Torture/Killing Channel - Gatorpool Gators

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(Red links are live)  According to video content posted by Gatorpool Gators, live pet baby bunnies are inhumanely stuffed head first into socks while the toenails are painfully ground off to avoid injury to the predators.  The bunnies are then put in an enclosure of no escape with a giant predator to be tortured and killed. The cruel videos depict animals screaming from pain and fear while being attacked and ripped apart alive then drowned.  

Please report the videos to Youtube - GRAPHIC WARNING do not to play them - turn them off quickly if auto start.  On the right side of the videos click on the 3 dots to report.  Choose: Violent or repulsive content - then - Animal abuse.

The despicable videos are monetized, thousands of dollars are profited from the public viewing the torture and killing of helpless tame animals. Pet domestic baby bunnies, pet rabbits, pet rats, ducks, chicks, quail etc. 

According to educated exotic experts (responsible animal owners) exotic animals living in captivity have no need for live food and live feeding is a cruel sick practice that is done for only one or two reasons. 
A. To cater to an individual’s sick desire to see a helpless creature that has no idea that it is about to be attacked or 
B.  A money making venture to cater to the people who are in group A and will pay to see it.  The barbaric Inhumane act causes animal’s unnecessarily elongated state of fear, pain and psychological distress.

These videos appear to go against Youtube Policy 
We the petitioners respectfully ask Youtube to take responsibility and honor their own guidelines.  Allowing accounts to profit from the torture and killing of animals for fun & entertainment helps promote and encourage animal cruelty. 

"Youtube Policy Animal abuse content"

- Content where a human maliciously mistreats an animal and causes them to experience distress outside of traditional or standard practices. Examples of traditional or standard practices include hunting or food preparation.

- Content that glorifies or promotes serious neglect, mistreatment, or harm toward animals.

- Graphic content that features animals and intends to shock. 

Houston, Texas Animal Cruelty Laws

What qualifies as animal abuse in Texas? (1) "Cruelly treated" includes tortured,


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