Thursday, December 29, 2022 Petition: Justice for Rajan Moonesinghe - Calling for DA Jose Garza to Indict officer Daniel Sanchez

Justice for Rajan Moonesinghe - Calling for DA Jose Garza to Indict officer Daniel Sanchez

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A tech entrepreneur in Texas wasn’t given ample time to drop a licensed rifle he was carrying on his own front porch before he was shot and killed by police. Raj was not afforded even a millisecond to comply with orders to put down his rifle.
Rajan “Raj” Moonesinghe, 33, had just returned from a trip and suspected his home had been burglarized. He approached his front door with his rifle in hand and fired 2 warning shots. Moments after Austin police officers arrived on the scene and ordered him to drop the gun while firing at him. 
He was defending his home, did not hurt anyone and as his family, we know he would have put down the gun if given the chance.

Officer Sanchez’s actions killed an innocent man, and he must be held accountable.

Raj was a deeply generous and kind person, who would literally give the shirt off his back (just ask the homeless man who once walked away with a brand new Lakers jersey). He volunteered often, and lived a life of service. Raj was particularly proud of inKind, the financial technology company he co-founded, which financed over 600 restaurants throughout the country. In the last 12 months, Raj helped to raise over $150 million for inKind. 
Despite his busy schedule as an entrepreneur, he always found time to help others, whether it was building a fence around his former pastor’s yard in north Austin or driving through treacherous conditions to deliver supplies to friends during Austin’s snowstorm in 2021. He always tried to make life easier for those he loved.
He should be alive today.

If Officer Sanchez is allowed to continue on the force without consequences, more people like Raj could be in danger. Join us in demanding justice for Raj.

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