Friday, April 29, 2022

SojoMail - 30 years after the LA riots, churches have work to do


On April 29, 1992, a jury acquitted four Los Angeles Police Department officers charged with using excessive force in the brutal beating of Rodney King, a Black man. As outrage over the verdict spread, Hyepin Im — then a graduate student in the city at the University of Southern California — watched as rioters destroyed the city’s Koreatown neighborhood. She heard the media vilify Korean Americans, often depicting the riots as a result of conflict between the Black and Korean American communities. “As a Korean American coming out of the LA riots, I saw our community kicked down and crying — and crying alone,” she told Sojourners.

The devastation inspired Im to advocate for the economic and political empowerment of underserved communities, including Korean Americans — and her own faith led her to look for ways that churches could be more effective partners in this work. Today, Im leads Faith and Community Empowerment (FACE), a nonprofit she founded to help faith leaders better support underserved communities. To commemorate recent anniversaries of the riots in Los Angeles, FACE launched the SAIGU Campaign, which aims to “build bridges of understanding and to combat myths that keep communities divided.”

Sojourners’ Betsy Shirley spoke with Im about the 1992 LA riots and how the church can partner with Asian American communities in dispelling the “model minority myth.”




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