Saturday, April 30, 2022 Petition: JUSTICE FOR 4 FERRETS - ANIMAL CRUELTY, DULUTH, MN.


Barbara Clay started this petition to The Honorable Dale O. Harris, Anthony Mark Rubin, Kimberly J. Maki, The Honorable Theresa Neo, and it now has 10,135 signatures

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TRIGGER WARNING. At the very end are quotes that give graphic details.

To Your Honors, Judge Dale O. Harris, Theresa Neo

Levi James Arneberg (LJA) has repeatedly appeared before this court for crimes that threatened the welfare of the citizens of St. Louis County, Minnesota.  Included in his court appearances was a request to have him committed.  Had he been on adequate supervised probation that included psychological and medical treatment, the heinous crimes he put upon his victims on January 18, 2022, by torturing and killing Maurice Guski’s 4 pet ferrets, perhaps would never have happened.

LJA’s victim, Maurice Guski, is a U.S. Army veteran, and it was through his PTSD counseling and support these precious 4 ferrets were professionally recommended and registered as Emotional Support Animals.  The victim has suffered a horrific loss and setback.  This is what nightmares are made of, except this is real, it happened!

We The Undersignedcitizens from far and wide, feel that the court failed LJA, and in so doing, failed to protect us.  At this time;  We pray for appropriate justice, as only you can deliver through your authority, outrage and compassion for the victim of LJA’s murderous tirade, and threat to others.  This time it was 4 defenseless ferrets and the man that cherished them.  Its factual that mutilating and torturing animals is a stepping stone for accomplished murderers.

Quotes made byLevi James Arnebergto police at the crime scene:

"I swear the thing was laughing and breathing, laughing and breathing, and I just kept shooting it in it’s fucking head."  "The big one was hard to kill."




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