Saturday, January 29, 2022

#Petition - Walmart is promoting fake service dogs

Walmart has started selling fake service dog jackets and ID registration cards. This practice puts people who rely on their service dogs, as well as the animals themselves, at risk. Dominique has a service dog trained for cardiac alert. She’s experienced animals with fake service dog jackets acting aggressively towards her and her service dog. She’s worried that one day this will happen during a moment she needs her service dog. Join her petition calling on Walmart to immediately stop selling their service dog paraphernalia.

Stop Walmart From Promoting Fake Service Dogs

2,452 have signed Dominique Weems’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

Sign now with a click

Walmart has started selling service dog jackets and ID registration cards.

This is affecting every disabled person with a legitimate task trained service dog. It puts our lives more at risk.

ADA Federal Law, Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 specifically says that some organizations sell fraudulent registration cards and that they are scams because they hold no legal authority and donot make a dog a service dog.


Extensive training makes a dog a service dog. The fake service dog trend is getting out of control. And Walmart is promoting this for money. 

Why do the 500,000 disabled people in the US who own service animals have to worry more about going to Walmart and having our $20,000 dogsattacked by pets in the store. That’s 500,000 service dogs lives and safety on the line.

Task trained service dogs save our lives. Mine is for cardiac alert. We encounter pets in Walmart all the time. And Walmart never wants to help.Even when dogs are actively barking and lunging trying to attack.

Instead of making things better and properly educating employees, they are creating a bigger problem by selling these products. 

Walmart is not the only one adding to the problem. 

There’s many online stores and websites that also promote this. 

Our biggest problem is the uneducated general public. But Walmart is by far the worst place to go with a Service Dog. I shouldn’t have to accept the fact that my Medical Alert Service Dog WILL be attacked at some point.

The Fake service dog trend is so out of control that it will happen. And it won’t be just me and my dog. Many service animals have already been attacked. And it’s only going to get worse unless we make a change now.

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