Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Petition - Racial slurs in high school sports - Recent Derogatory Comments Made By Sherwood’s Athletes

Maryland high school students recently reported several racist incidents— across multiple different sports—where they were called racial slurs by student athletes from Sherwood High School. When they complained, the county announced an investigation, but so far, no one has faced any consequences. Sign Maddie’s petition to join Maryland high schoolers in telling their administrators to keep their word and not let racism slide.

Recent Derogatory Comments Made By Sherwood’s Athletes

1,306 have signed Maddie Trimble’s petition. Let’s get to 1,500!

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Recently, Sherwood High School athletics has proven that they do not care how their students behave towards students of color. In October 2021, At a Sherwood vs. Einstein soccer game an Albert Einstein student was targeted by the Sherwood players and spectators. The student was called names such as “Asian Trash” and “Asian Sh*t” When an individual close to the player brought it up to Sherwoods athletic director, he simply responded with, “Email me and I’ll talk to them (his players) tomorrow.” This outraged many students rightly so because this was not the first time this would happen nor would it be the last. 

Albert Einstein parents, students and staff continued to reach out to Sherwood and received little information about what happened to the students that had done this. Einstein SGA had met with Sherwood students over lunch to discuss the matter but little was changed. Einstein students continue to post on their social medias to gain attention on the matter but still they were false hope and promise that the students would change. 

Today, January 2022, we are still fighting this injustice. At a basketball game, students of color were being singled out. These students were called racist slurs in front of everyone to see. When it was once again brought to the Sherwood coach’s attention but the player saying the slurs denied it. She was then overheard bragging to her teammates that she did in fact say it. When the coach was confronted he claimed, “Things happen in the heat of the moment.” Saying a slur is not something you do in the heat of the moment. 

The racism that Sherwood High School athletes portrays is disgusting but these athletes and spectators are not being properly dealt with. They are simply given a slap on the wrist. Signing this petition will force MCPS board members to open their eyes to the racism that Sherwood is letting slide. Enough is enough and we need you to help instill the change in our schools.

Albert Einstein High School Students

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