Friday, February 5, 2021

Getting ready for Sacred People, Sacred Earth - join us!

GreenFaith Logo

Momentum is building towards Sacred People, Sacred Earth, a multi-faith day of climate action on 11 March organized by the GreenFaith International Network and its founding members in 14 countries. Hundreds of actions are planned to take place around the globe!

Join us next Wednesday, 10 February, for news about actions in diverse countries, resources and inspiration. We’ve got calls at three different times to make it easy for you to join us. The calls will be presented simultaneously in English. Spanish and French.

What’s the vision?

This November, governments are supposed to make increased climate change commitments as part of the Paris Agreement. Most country’s plans aren’t close to strong enough. As people of diverse religions, we’re not going to let that stand.

On 11 March, from Australia to the Americas, from the Cape of Africa to the Arctic North, people of diverse religions are calling out for climate justice. Churches will be ringing bells, Buddhist temples sounding gongs, Masjids issuing a special call to prayer, Hindu temples sounding the conch shell, and synagogues blowing the shofar.

We’ll express our determination to create a world transformed, in which humanity in all its diversity has developed a shared reverence for life on Earth, and the era of conquest, extraction, and exploitation has given way to cooperation and community.  

This statement, which was developed by grassroots people of diverse religions from around the world express that vision.  

After 11 March, we’ll continue to work together as a grassroots, multi-faith community coming together across geographies and faiths, united around a powerful moral vision.

Why 11 March?

We are organizing actions at 11:00 am on 11 March because this symbolizes the urgency that we face; “the 11th hour” of the 11th day.

What are your plans?

During our last call, we heard about local religious actions taking place in Australia, USA, Canada, UK, Chile, Kenya, Belgium, Senegal, France, Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Colombia, Brazil, and more!

Register for next Wednesday’s call; sign up now! We’ll share ideas and resources about how to plan a good local action. We’ll share how you can communicate with local media. We’ll give you some great ideas for how you can organize a close-to-home action that keeps you safe from COVID. And we’ll connect you with colleagues from around the world.

We’re looking forward to joining together with you on 11 March!

In solidarity and hope,

Meryne (Kenya), Tejopala and Thea (Australia), Caroline (Germany) and the GreenFaith International Team

P.S.: If you represent a faith community or religious organization and would like sign up as an official co-sponsor of the day of action, sign up using this form!

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