Monday, February 15, 2021 - Pronouns on LinkedIn account

LinkedIn is a powerful platform. It’s used by hundreds of millions to network, find jobs, and build careers. But LinkedIn currently offers no easy way for users to add their personal pronouns. This means many users feel like they don’t have a space to be themselves and are often misgendered. Petition starter Katherine thinks it’s time for LinkedIn to step up. Sign your name to tell LinkedIn to add pronouns to their profiles. 

Yes to gender pronouns! LinkedIn, add a gender pronoun option to our profiles.

982 have signed Katherine Castro’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

Sign now with a click

Yes, you can add gender pronouns after your last name on LinkedIn using your phone—as a workaround—a majority of online platforms (including LinkedIn) do not offer this option. Why should online platforms care about gender pronouns? Gender pronouns create inclusion by giving us the power of how we choose to self identify. This transfer of power creates a sense of belonging— someone can say, “There’s actually a space for me here.”  Asking for gender pronouns give people a voice.

I’m a part of oppressed communities. I know how to navigate spaces not built for me. I’ve been a part of transformative actions to create inclusion for an oppressed community.  This action is simple, and you can help create change by signing this petition for Linkedin to create an option for people to choose and display their gender pronouns.

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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