Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - Tennessee teachers

Teachers in Tennessee are being forced to return to schools without any protection against COVID. Cases are rapidly increasing, and most teachers are not yet eligible for the vaccine. That’s why Tejasvi started their petition. They want Governor Lee to reverse the mandate to return to in-person learning, at least until teachers can be protected by the vaccine. Add your name to help keep Tennessee teachers safe from COVID-19.

Save Tennessee Teachers!

2,936 have signed Tejasvi Epuri’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

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*** NOTE: We do not want any money, just your support! The money does not go to us!*** Teachers are forced to go back to in-person learning in a county where cases are rapidly increasing, with no vaccinations and exceptions for people with newborns or elderly family members at home. We need to treat teachers with respect and value their concerns. Forcing them to return does nothing but hinder students’ education.

Due to Governor Bill Lee forcing Shelby County Schools and Metro Nashville Public Schools to have an in-person learning option before February 15 or cutting funding for both school systems, Shelby County Schools has announced that all teachers need to return for in-person schooling. However, this mandatory return has made teachers with underlying conditions, elderly parents, or special circumstances come to a dilemma. Shelby County Schools makes no exceptions for these teachers to stay virtual and teach; therefore, teachers are forced to resign or take sick leave.

These teachers are irreplaceable, and having no instructor would greatly delay students’ learning, piling on the preexisting delays from COVID. Please help us convince Tennessee legislators and Governor Bill Lee to remove this mandate.  Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @savetnteachers!



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