Thursday, February 25, 2021 - Sexual assault bill

Since the start of the COVID-19, another silent health crisis has been brewing. Sexual violence against women has intensified. Ashley lives in Arizona, where sexual assault survivors don’t have basic civil rights. There’s a bill in the Arizona House of Representatives that would help survivors get common sense support – like access to their own police report and medical record. But the bill is stuck with no hearing date. Sign to help Ashley send a message to Arizona lawmakers: survivors deserve to have their rights ensured. 

Pass a Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights in Arizona

1,519 have signed Ashley Farrell’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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In Arizona, sexual assault survivors are not guaranteed to receive their civil rights.  They are left to navigate a system with a patchwork of policies largely on their own.  As reports of sexual violence have only increased in AZ and around the world during COVID, survivors in AZ need civil rights protections now more than ever.

Currently, there are two bills that have been introduced to the Arizona House of Representatives, HB2600 and HB2849, to ensure these rights in our state. Even though this bill has bipartisan support in the House and Senate, it must be heard in committee in order to be voted on and passed. Right now, the bill does not have a hearing date and the head of the Judiciary Committee, who can assign it a hearing, is hospitalized. The rules for this deadline must be suspended and this bill must be given a hearing. This is imperative as survivors deserve to have these rights ensured. 

Arizona has the opportunity to pass a Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights that will guarantee comprehensive, common sense civil rights for survivors.

Rise’s Five Key Civil Rights:

1. The right to not have your rape kit destroyed before either 20 years or the statute of limitations has passed (whichever is longer).
2. The right to be notified of your civil rights related to a sexual assault.
3. The right to not be charged for your own rape kit examination.
4. The right to access your own medical record related to a rape kit examination.
5. The right to a copy of your own police report.

Over forty states have backlogs for untested kits. Some states do not cover the full medical expenses of a kit, leaving survivors to pay their own way towards justice. Most states destroy rape kits before the statute of limitations for the crime has passed. The lack of these rights has inspired us to act.

This is a crisis for 25 million survivors across America, and it’s time for our legislators to do something about it.

Sign this petition, then learn more at our website -- and if you have a few minutes to contribute to the cause, take a look here at the quick, easy, ways you can make an impact now!

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