Monday, February 22, 2021 - Death penalty

Joe Biden made a campaign promise to end the death penalty. In his first weeks, he has passed dozens of executive orders. None of them have been to end the death penalty. The Forgive Everyone Collective is calling on him to make his promise a reality. In their petition, they write that this cruel practice is racist, inaccurate, and ineffective. More than 700 people have already signed. Add your name now to show your support of ending the death penalty.

Tell Joe Biden to End the Death Penalty

11,973 have signed Forgive Everyone Collective’s petition. Let’s get to 15,000!

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President Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20th. He campaigned on the promise that he would end the death penalty at the federal level. 

On his campaign website he said he would "work to pass legislation to eliminate the death penalty at the federal level, and incentivize states to follow the federal government’s example". 

After being in office for over a week and passing dozens of executive orders, he has yet to take any action towards ending the death penalty.

We are calling for Joe Biden to use his executive power to end the federal death penalty and commute the sentences of the 40+ individuals currently facing execution by the federal government. In addition, we are calling for Joe Biden to make every effort to work to pass legislation and incentives that can push states where the death penalty is still legal to end the cruel practice at the state level. 

The death penalty is racist, inaccurate, and ineffective. It’s time the United States joins the majority of the world in abolishing the death penalty. Biden has the power to do so. Add your name to this petition to take a stand against the death penalty and to hold Biden accountable to his campaign promises.



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