Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - Camp LeJeune

Almost 900,000 veterans used toxic water at military base Camp LeJeune. Thousands may have died from the poisonous water. Brian started this petition demanding accountability. "The toxins were knowingly dumped in the water that we drank, bathed in and cooked with," Brian writes. "Without us knowing it was happening." Brian says a medical health registry is needed to help those stationed at Camp LeJeune who may be suffering serious health effects from exposure to these toxins. Sign his petition now to help these service members.

Medical health registry for Camp LeJeune water contamination for Marine and Navy Personnel

17,929 have signed Brian Amburgey’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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Nearly 900,000 Marine Corps and Navy Veterans were poisoned while stationed at Camp Le Jeune Marine Corps Base in North Carolina. Approximately 300,000 of the veterans that served during 1953-1987 are deceased due to the nature of the contamination at Camp LeJeune. The toxins were knowingly dumped in the water that we drank, bathed in and cooked with, without us knowing it was happening. 

We the Veterans of the United States Marine Corps and Navy are concerned about delayed access to health-care and disability benefits from the Department of Veteras Affairs. Health issues are not being addressed by ASTDR and the VA. As of now there are only 15 diseases that are recognized due to the water toxins, and of those only 8 are recognized for healthcare and disability benefits.  We believe that if we had a health registry like, blue water, burn pits, agent orange, and the 2011 earthquake of Japan it would show there are more diseases that are linked to the water contamination. Then maybe ASTDR, the VA and the CDC would further investigate and study our related health issues, so the thousands of Marines and Navy Veterans that are being denied their claims can get approved.

The United States Marine Corps and Navy Veterans served their country with honor and dignity and now we are asking for all our representatives to help us get this Medical Health Registry approved 


  Mr & Mrs Brian Amburgey &  Mr & Mrs Daniel Bailey


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