Friday, February 5, 2021 - Free Jose

Jose is a father of six US children. He was cleaning up materials from a job site when someone called the police "to report a Mexican stealing." Jose was detained, and now could be forcibly separated from his family. Thousands in the community have signed this petition demanding Jose be freed. "Jose has never had any problems with the police and is an exemplary community member," supporters say. Add your name to their petition to demand Missouri officials free Jose.

Freedom for Jose!

5,669 have signed KSMODA’s petition. Let’s get to 7,500!

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On January 22nd, 2021 Jose Abundio Gomez was stopped by a sheriff officer then he was picked up by ICE. Currently he is sitting at a ICE Detention center in Morgan County, MO. He is a father of six US Citizen children who depend on him to come back home. 

Actions to take now!
Please call ICE ERO Kansas City, MO office at  (816) 880 5000 and demand that officer Joshua Johnson use his discretion to free Jose Abundio Gomez.
(You can press 0, or dial by last name) 

Please sign this petition directed at Office Joshua Johnson who is in charge of the ICE ERO Kansas City, MO Office. He can use his discretion to free Jose Abundio Gomez.

His treatment does not reflect our American values, nor does it reflect President Biden’s latest enforcement priorities and we demand that he be released to his family. We are asking for his immediate release for Jose to be able to fight his case outside in a safe environment.

Brief background story:
Jose was cleaning up materials from a job site after normal work hours, as he had gotten busy in the day, when a neighbor called the police saying there was a Mexican man stealing from a job site. The police arrested him and that is how his ICE case began. The allegedly stolen items in his truck were worth less than $15 all charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence, but his immigration case pushed forward.

Jose has consulted multiple attorneys to review his case, but his options are completely limited. Jose has been in the United States for seven years, but not the 10 required in order to fight Cancellation of Removal. He is the father and sole provider to his six US citizen children whom he has raised alongside his loving wife. They are a family that regularly helps out at church and they have deep ties to the community they have chosen to call home.

Jose has never had any problems with the police and is an exemplary community member. Currently, his six children, the oldest is 14 and youngest is 2 years old, are all battling depression and anxiety due to his sudden detention and uncertain future.

Jose’s request for a Stay of Removal has been denied and he has lost his appeal. Like many before him, Jose has fallen victim to a system which prioritizes the criminalization of immigrants rather than family unity.


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