Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Change.org - End his probation

When Wallace Peeples was 17, he went to jail for 20 years for armed robbery. Now, he has turned his life around and uses his platform to empower millions of people. He feeds the homeless, supports families in need, and mentors young men. Mel Wells, President of One Day at a Time, thinks “Wallo” is a role model and that his probation should end. Sign his petition so that Wallo can live his life freely.

End Probation for Wallace "Wallo267" Peeples

156,761 have signed Mel Wells’s petition. Let’s get to 200,000!

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At age 17, Wallace "Wallo 267" Peeples was sentenced to a 20 year prison sentence for armed robbery, which he served at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. While he has turned his life around, not just for him, but to save the lives of others, he is still on probation until October 29, 2048!

Wallo is 41 and will be 68 years old when his probation ends. 

Wallo is a national phenom, using his platform to empower others. He regularly feeds the homeless, financially supports families in need and mentors young men so they do not make bad choices that will land them in prison.

He is the ultimate role model for youth and a community resource, but he is living his life, everyday, with the fear that at any time he can be sent back to prison because he is still on probation.

Despite having served his sentence and proving to society that he is full rehabilitated and an exemplary citizen. He is still on probation for 27 more years. For 27 more years his life is limited.

His case shows how the criminal justice system is gravely flawed.

Mel Wells, President of One Day At A Time (ODAAT), is a thought leader and advocate on issues such as gun violence, the opioid epidemic, economic disenfranchisement and criminal justice reform. Mel has become a voice for those who have become marginalized by their circumstances and is standing with Wallo on this important issue. 

Mel stated, "By ending Wallo’s probation early, we have a chance to move the needle forward in Criminal Justice Reform. The Governor, Attorney General and District Attorney have the power to write a positive ending to this chapter of Wallo’s life and in the lives of thousands of men and women that have served their time and are doing their best to live the rest of their lives doing right. They should not have to do that in constant fear of going back to prison." 

Sign this petition to end Wallo’s probation AND then continue to support ODAAT in continuing the fight to reform the criminal justice system.


Wallo’s Story

As an adolescent, Wallace "Wallo 267" Peeples had spent time in and out of the juvenile system. He was eventually sentenced to a 20 year prison sentence for armed robbery, which he served at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. However, during his 20 year sentence, he became an avid reader in jail.

In less than two years after serving his 20 year prison sentence, Wallo quickly rose as a leader in his community crafting powerful viral content inspiring people across the world to step into their greatness and discover their purpose.

Currently, Wallo’s social media platforms accumulate over 10 million+ impressions weekly and his followers have become evangelists, sharing his high-energy videos of inspiration, humor, and hard-earned lessons delivered with his signature unflinching honesty and humor. He has been able to leverage his social media brand to get into partnerships with the NFL Network, Global Citizen, Foot Locker, Puma, and Philly Union.

This petition was created by Mel Wells and One Day At A Time. Learn more about ODAAT at www.odaatphilly.org 

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